If your dog was sprayed by a skunk, here’s a bath remedy that can help:
Make a DIY deodorizing soak
- 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide
- 1⁄4 cup of baking soda
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of dishwater soap
Lather your dog with the solution and let it soak in for 10–20 minutes.
More tips:
- Keep your dog outside
- Wear disposable clothes
- Check your dog for injuries and take them to the vet if they are scratched
- Avoid eye contact, or apply a few drops of mineral oil or eye lubricant to your dog’s eyes
- Towel dry your dog thoroughly and let them rest in a warm place
- Keep your dog outside while they are drying to keep any remaining oils out of your home
- Rinsing your dog with water alone can spread the smelly oil around their coat!